◙ 150 to 180 grams of rice (quinoa for less carbs)
◙ half a cucumber
◙ a handful of cherry tomatoes
◙ a mango
◙ some raw spinach
◙ on sweet pepper
◙ one (grilled) zucchini
◙ optional: (homemade) hummus
◙ optional: (smoked) salmon
Now it is time to cook!
Cook the rice (or quinoa) and put it in a bowl. Slice your veggies and add them to the bowl in whatever kind of festive, garnish like structure you see
Now serve it! That easy? That easy.
Some sweet chili saus could be good with this, but mind the amount of sugars in this.
Falafel could also be a good add to this recipe. Want to make it yourself? --> FALAFEL RECIPE
Home made hummus?
Take a can of chickpeas, a tablespoon of tahini, 2 garlic gloves, turmeric, one red onion and other spices and herbs you want to add. (I like adding some sun-dried tomatoes from time to time. Blend it all in a food processor and enjoy!
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