◙  one frozen banana
◙  a handful of (fresh) spinach
◙  one kiwi
◙  two pieces of frozen kale
◙  a celery stick (juiced or not)
◙  tem of a broccoli
◙  half of an avocado
◙  a splash of almond milk or water
◙  bits of (frozen) ginger and if you have it some spirulina
◙  half an orange

◙  optional: a scoop of (clear) protein powder
◙  optional: a scoop of instant oats

Now it is time to blend!
Put all of your ingredients into a blender and mix until you are agreeing with the smoothness of the mixture you've created.

I could tell a long hard story on how exactly you have to slice your fruit and veggies, but all I need to say is; just slice and blend until you're happy. And let me say I'm proud you've covered about half of your vegetable intake for the day!

This is an easy one to take with you to work or school on any given (busy) day. No excuses.
